FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer


A hybrid creation that focuses on the analysis of the look in the public space, on the relational possibilities it offers and on the articulations between individuals and with the collective. Starting from an element clearly identifiable as a “place to look” such as the theatre seats, an installation that extends through space is generated on the one hand, and, on the other, two ambulatory choreographic interventions that aim to create situations that allow us to look at the environment, at ourselves and be looked at and, at the same time, question ourselves around the idea of looking at the street.

--> Opia / Out. Installation of a hundred armchairs in different places. Passers-by come across them and can freely interact with them, giving new uses to the public space and creating the connections they feel necessary: observe how other people interact, sit, look, meet friends, rest...

--> Opia / Mira. Unexpectedly, six characters appear in the public space pushing armchairs on wheels to configure a group choreography that adapts to the changing conditions of the surroundings. The show moves around generating different formations, in a game of glances between participants, passers-by and the public.

--> Opia / Sawubona With 6 pairs of armchairs on wheels, several routes are generated where the participants are led to contemplate the traffic in the town from a new perspective. A contemplative itinerary of everyday life, to look and be looked at, in which the concepts of actor, show, audience and participant are blurred. (This piece requires the purchase of a ticket.)


CREACIÓ Ferran Orobitg Anglarill LABORATORIS COREOGRAFICS Laure Terrier ACOMPANYAMENT ESCRIPTURA Llampborda INTÈRPRETS Ivan Alcoba, Núria Sbert, Mamadu Diallo, Ernesto Langa, Lídia Zapatero, Marta Puig, Anna criado, Gonzalo Vilaró ESCENOGRAFIA Instantropia i Jordi Ledesma VESTUARI Gemma Oriol RIGGING Volàtil DISTRIBUCIÓ Marie Julie HUET, COMUNICACIÓ Dani Hernandez i Marc Llorenç PRODUCCIÓ Fadunito Produccions, SL COPRODUCTORS FiraTàrrega, Institut Ramon Llull, ICEC Generalitat Catalunya, L'Atelline, Cràtere Surfaces, Fundació Carulla, Teatre Lliure Barcelona, Patronat de la Passió de Cervera, Teatre Poble Espanyol. Espectacle inclòs al programa Suport a la Creació de FiraTàrrega. LA LLOTJA ESTAND 23


  • 06 September: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00
  • 07 September: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00
  • 08 September: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00
Segons sessió
10 EUR Buy tickets
Recommended audience
All audiences
Ferran Orobitg Anglarill
The times shown correspond to the Opia / Sawubona. Departure point is determined when you purchase the ticket. Very limited capacity. This piece is not available for wheelchair users. The QR published in the program allows you to follow the progress of Opia / Sawubona in streaming.
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